Experience heartburn at bedtime? You’re not alone.
75% of heartburn sufferers experience heartburn at night, which leads to problems falling asleep or staying asleep. As a result, more than 60% report feeling tired, sleepy, sluggish, or drowsy during the day.1
Heartburn at night is not only uncomfortable, it can make a good night’s sleep almost impossible. So why does heartburn happen at night, even if you haven’t been eating? Lying down makes it easier for acid in your stomach to back up into your esophagus. What’s worse, once you start experiencing heartburn at night, a vicious cycle can begin.

Prevacid®24HR helps break that cycle. One pill provides heartburn relief for a full 24 hours*.
So not only will your day be heartburn free, but your night will be, too.
1 The Experience of Frequent Heartburn in America, July 2009 (Survey conducted by NHC, data on file)